A collection of experiences on learning and teaching with digital media
Lesson 1 : LOGO
Principal LOGO Commands
FORWARD n FD moves the turtle forward n units
BACK n BK moves the turtle back n units
RIGHT n RT turns the turtle n degrees to the right
LEFT n LT turns the turtle n degrees to the left
HOME none Returns the turtle to its origin
CLEARSCREEN CS Erases the screen
HIDETURTLE HT Hide the turtle
SHOWTURTLE ST Show the turtle
Here can you download MSWLogo https://mswlogo.en.softonic.com/
Forward 100 - moves the turtle forward 100 units
Back 50 - moves the turtle back 50 units
Right 45 - turns the turtle 45 degrees to the right
Left 90 - turns the turtle 90 degrees to the left
Home - Returns the turtle to its origin
ClearSceen - Erases the screen
Shortcut commands ...
The same commands can be issued using:
FD 100
BK 50
RT 45
LT 90
Home (ie no shortcut)
Geometry with the turtle
Repeat 4 [fd 200 rt 90]
Fd 300 rt 90 fd 150 rt 90
Repeat 360 [fd 3 rt 1]
Repeat 3 [fd 300 rt 120]
Repeat 5 [fd 200 rt 72]